Map of the route we'll be walking in England, from Exmouth to Lyme Regis. You can't really read the place names. :-/

Hike in Devon

We’re just booking our hike in Devon. Last year in Scotland, we hiked the Great Glen Way, walking from village to village, staying at B&Bs. We’re doing a similar trip this year. We’ll be walking a section of the South West Coast Path, from Exmouth to Lyme Regis, along the Jurassic Coast.

It’s an easier trip, with the long days being less than 10 miles. I think we’ll cover 30 miles over 4 days. We opted for an extra day in Sidmouth, so we can bop around the village or go for a shorter loop walk.

I’m really looking forward to this walk. It’s supposed to be gorgeous.

Sidmouth on the South West Coast Path. From Macs Adventure:

Though I’m a little concerned that one of the reviews said the trail was 75% mud…